ACC: Bike to Work Day
Jun 1, 2019 -- Posted by :
Presented by the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, the Federal Highway Administration and the Denver Regional Council of Governments, Bike to Work Day is a great way to start your day energized, refreshed and free of stress!
Biking to work regularly is a great way to stay fit, save money and reduce your carbon footprint. Reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality benefits all our communities.
At Air Care Colorado, we are again hosting a breakfast station along the Clear Creek Trail near 48th Avenue and Marshall Street. Cyclists can look forward to taking a break from pedaling and joining us for a variety of foods and beverages to include energy bars and pastries, coffee and juice, and water to rehydrate.
Air Care Colorado has been an active participant and sponsor of Bike to Work Day for the better part of the last decade. At our stop along the trail, we typically see as many as 100 riders (hoping for more this year!) and we enjoy helping to educate commuters about the benefits of using two wheels to get to work.
You can register for this year’s event at Doing so ensures your eligibility for great prizes! As a federally-funded event, Bike to Work Day relies upon registrations to correctly report the impact of taking vehicles off the road and to ensure future funding for the event. It also helps generate support for biking infrastructure projects which make it easier to encourage biking all the time.
So strap on your helmet, climb into the saddle and pedal on over! We’ll be happy to see you!