New AirCare Colorado WebSite

Apr 1, 2019 -- Posted by : admin

A screen shot of the home page of the Colorado Air Care website

If you have visited the Air Care Colorado website in the past, surely you have noticed our new design for 2019! The update was long overdue, as we had not undergone any major changes in more than a decade.


The redesign is intended to make the site more user friendly, with information most commonly sought by motorists easier to find. Navigation is quicker and more intuitive, and the site overall is livelier and more visually interesting.


The search function has been improved as well, and we’ve added some advertising space for others that share our commitment to a cleaner, healthier environment like the Regional Air Quality Council!


And mobile users, we haven’t forgotten about you! We’ve made the site easier if you are accessing it with your smartphone.


Need directions to the Air Care Colorado location nearest to you or current wait times at inspection facilities? Maybe you want to know where the RapidScreen roadside data collection units are going to be week-to-week. Seeking info on repair facilities throughout the Denver-metropolitan area and the North Front Range? Well, this is the place!


At the same time, we will use this space on the site to keep motorists updated on any program changes, share useful information for a successful and stress-free emissions inspection, vehicle maintenance tips, air quality information and anything else that may be of interest to you.


Let us know what you think! You can leave a comment for us using the online comments form accessible directly from the homepage. We want to hear from you!
